Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dumb Folks 'Round These Parts- Part 30

In our previous episode our hero had just run into the Professor of Unova, Professor Juniper. She has very important information to tell us.

We will continue our adventure now.

Juniper tells me that she knows how to wake the legendary dragon!

She tells me that in order to wake the dragon... she doesn't really know what to do, but she thinks it will eventually wake up on its own. 

She then proceeds to ignore the idiocy that just poured from her mouth and asks if I regret taking my journey. That makes me remember... the bad things...

I end up never answering her and she throws me a Master Ball and runs off to do whatever professors do in these games. 

I start my way to Route 10, but before I can enter it I'm told that there is a huge storm on Route 7. I ignore the comment about it and run to Route 10.

I've already gone through a lot of this and suddenly Cheren stops me. Wait....

I forgot to heal after the gym battle with Drayden. 

Cheren challenges me to a battle.

He has four Pokémon and I start to mildly hyperventilate. 

Unfezant is out to fight against Pumprnickl, which I switch right away to Xanadu. Cheren starts to build up a Razor Wind. Xanadu Crunches on the bird, but it doesn't fully knock out Cheren's Pokémon. Razor Wind gets off and hits Xana. My red and black crocodile tries to Crunch, but Cheren has Unfezant use Detect. Another Crunch in the round is all it takes to finish this first battle. 

He begins to send out Serperior, which I counter with Licky. 

Cheren starts off with a Leaf Blade.

Licky counters with Flame Burst, but it doesn't quite take out his starter. Cheren must've tried to anticipate this and had given his snake Leftovers to heal a little bit of itself, but it's not quite enough. Another Leaf Blade and another Flame Burst and his second  Pokémon goes down.

Next is Simipour versus Royal. 

Simipour uses Leer, which was stupid and Royal takes it out in two Shadow Balls. 

For an unhealed team we are doing decently.

Last up is his Liepard... or what was his Liepard after Xanadu uses a Brick Break and OHKOs Cheren's final  Pokémon. 

After Liepard finally goes down Cheren regretfully heals me up and Bianca comes running from behind and throws me a few revives, which I can't even use. 

I don't want to sound sexist, but the women in this game are morons...

The next place to go is...

The road before Victory Road, which is still a continuation of Route 10. 

It's the badge check...

I go through gate...

After gate....

And flash all of my badges.

And there it is --

Victory Road.

*cue dramatic music*

My Team:

Racksy (Stunfisk) level 42 - Route 8
Xanadu (Krookodile) level 56 - Desert Resort
Pumprnickl (Vullaby) level 41 - Route 10
Totts (Boldore) 40 - Twist Mountain
Licky (Chandelure) 52 - Celestial Tower
Royal (Jellicent) level 50- Driftveil City


Shorty (Minccino) level 40 - Route 16
Odessa (Cofagrigus) level 40 - Relic Castle
Chowchow (Liepard) level 33 - Route 9

The Fallen:

Bigguns (Joltik) level 35 - Chargestone Cave
Gregford (Swasbuck) level 34 - Dragon Spiral
Cowface (Zebstrika) 46 - Route 7
Catapult (Trubbish) level 30 - Route 5
Cracker (Foongus) 31 - Route 6
Dexxter (Vanillite) level 30 - Cold Storage
Tumbles (Ducklett) level 29 - Driftveil Bridge
Conch (Liepard) level 34 - Route 2
Zkippy (Lillipup) level 15 - Route 1
Upstairs (Oshawott) level 12 - Nuvema Town
Butterball (Pansear) level 18 - Dreamyard
Yuko (Blitzle) level 15 - Route 3
Amasya (Roggenrola) level 18 - Wellspring Cave
Flathead (Timburr) level 17 - Pinwheel Forest
Woodrow (Scraggy) level 30 - Route 4

Cannot Catch At These Areas
Lostlorn Forest

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