After entering the gate in front of the city Juniper talks to us about some pretty stupid things and hands us all a few Ultra Balls, but then aftewards runs off.
When entering the city, the first thing I see is Team Plasma bullying an elderly man, who actually turns out to be the Day Care man. Before I can even offer any help he runs behind me and asks me to fight them for him.
I fight them and win with Conch taking out both Pokémon and then Team Plasma runs off. I can practically see them licking their wounds as they make their way to the amusement park in Nimbasa.
The old man thanks me and gives me a bicycle, which will help me move about Unova even more quickly!
The old man runs off and Bianca sneaks up from behind and talks to me about a few things, but then runs off. What else is new.
I head into the nearest Center and heal up and buy a couple TMs for Thunder Wave and Gyro Ball.
Now it's exploration time!
I find someone who gives me a Soothe Bell, another who gives me a Sun Stone, and the amazing person who gives me HM 04, which contains Strength.
I need to catch Pokémon!
I head directly to Route 5 after exploring the city and directly into the grass...
A pile of garbage? I take a closer look at it...
It's a Trubbish. It's a Poison-type, which at least isn't weak against Fighting! His name shall be Catapult.
I catch it and run out of Route 5 and off to Route 16, which is on the opposite side of Nimbasa City.
I have to fight through a couple trainers first before I can reach the grass, which helps train Xanadu.
Into the grass I go...
It's a Mincinno, this adorable chinchilla Pokémon is a Normal-type, which isn't Dark, but it still is weak against Fighting. I currently have a team of four, but three are weak to Fighting. I name her Shorty.
There's a small area off to the side in Route 16 called Lostlorn Forest. I'm hoping to catch a nice Bug or Grass-type in here.
I head into the grass and...
It's a Cottonee! It's a Grass-type. It rejects the first ball I send its way so I think it needs to be weakened. I have to be careful because Xanadu is weak to Grass, so I throw an Assurance its way.
Cottonee is KO'ed with a critical hit.....
I killed the only Pokémon in this area that I could catch... and it was something that could have really helped my team out....
I run back over to Route 4 and fight the trainers there, but the bridge is up so I cannot proceed.
Xanadu is getting pretty strong now... so strong that something happens to him.
Something that can be talked about next time.
My Team:
Conch (Liepard) level 34 - Route 2
Xanadu (Sandile) level 29 - Desert Resort
Catapult (Trubbish) level 21 - Route 5
Shorty (Minccino) level 19 - Route 16
The Fallen:
Zkippy (Lillipup) level 15 - Route 1
Upstairs (Oshawott) level 12 - Nuvema Town
Butterball (Pansear) level 18 - Dreamyard
Yuko (Blitzle) level 15 - Route 3
Amasya (Roggenrola) level 18 - Wellspring Cave
Flathead (Timburr) level 17 - Pinwheel Forest
Woodrow (Scraggy) level 30 - Route 4
Cannot Catch At These Areas
Lostlorn Forest
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