When I enter the gate house Bianca tries to fight me indoors.
She gets warned by the attendant not to break the electronic billboard and we begin the battle.
She has four Pokémon, which gets me a little scared, but then I remember it is Bianca, so I shouldn't worry.

She sends out a Herdier, which is KO'ed with no problem.
Then comes the big guns... her Tepig has evolved into a Pignite.
It's part Fighting, which will tear through Conch, but after taking it down to almost nothing and watching it get healed again, I take it out.
The next is a Pansage, which only takes one hit to take out.
Followed by a Munna, which is also taken out with a single Assurance.
This game is going to make me go grey with stress...
I go back to heal, because I have to be careful now and I head out to Route 4, where Cheren is blocking the road.
He's blocking it to battle.
He also has four Pokémon so I buckle down for the long haul...
He sends out a Pidove during a Sandstorm, which means each turn is going to hurt Conch, and I take it down in one hit.
Conch takes damage from the storm.
He sends out Servine now, which is the evolution of Snivy.
It takes two Assurances from me and one Leaf Tornado to Conch before it is knocked out. Conch takes two more turns of storm damage. Conch is slowly losing too much HP.
This isn't looking good, but Conch grows to level 33.
Panpour is next, but Assurance takes care of that.
Followed by Liepard, which is actually taken out in a single Fury Swipes!
I beat Cheren! I need to heal!
My XTransciever begins to ring...
It's Professor Juniper calls and Bianca didn't answer, but no one seems worried. All she wanted to tell both Cheren and myself is that she will meet us in Nimbasa City.
Finally, I can heal.
Now it is time to go through some trainers and grab some items. I don't go through many trainers, mainly because I need some to train with later, but I end up finding a Super Potion, Ether, Burn Heal and the TM for Dig!
That's a great find and will hopefully help me whenever I catch a Pokémon that I can use other than Conch.
I hit a fork in the road. I know that North leads to Nimbasa City, but East is something else entirely. A place called Desert Resort.
This is a new area! There are some Fire-types here and some Grass-types as well, even though it is a desert I sure hope the first thing I run into isn't a Dark-type!
Sandile is the first thing I run into... It is Ground-Dark. So of course it is another Pokémon that is weak to Bug and Fighting, like Conch, but also weak to Water, Grass and Ice.
I name the little alligator Xanadu and immediately head back to the trainers I dodged earlier.
My Team:
Conch (Liepard) level 33 - Route 2
Xanadu (Sandile) level 26 - Desert Resort
The Fallen:
Zkippy (Lillipup) level 15 - Route 1
Upstairs (Oshawott) level 12 - Nuvema Town
Butterball (Pansear) level 18 - Dreamyard
Yuko (Blitzle) level 15 - Route 3
Amasya (Roggenrola) level 18 - Wellspring Cave
Flathead (Timburr) level 17 - Pinwheel Forest
Woodrow (Scraggy) level 30 - Route 4
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